Things to check when reviewing your new template
Through collaborating with freelance designers, agencies, or services like Penji, you can create your own custom templates to use in Sparrow.
This is incredibly useful when you want to highlight specific metrics, use your own branding, or even use the branding and colors of your client. While we do our best to create unique and interesting templates for you to use in Sparrow, you'll find Sparrow a lot more powerful when you start creating your owFew readersModifying templates after they've been created
As of right now, once you've saved a document to Sparrow as a template, you won't be able to add or remove placeholders from the document. If you want to modify the template, you will need to first delete it (from Sparrow, not the Google document), then re-create it.
Delete Sparrow Template
With the Sparrow add-on open in the template you'd like to change, click "Manage Template"
Next Click Delete Template and confirm.
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