Articles on: Getting Started

Connecting your first data sourceVisualizing your data in Sparrow

Sparrow makes it easy to keep track of all your marketing and sales data. With the Sparrow platform, you can see how all of your accounts are performing in our web dashboards, or directly inside your Google Workspace account.

This guide will walk you through connecting your first data source and accessing the data inside Sparrow and Google Workspace.


The first thing you need to do after creating an account on Sparrow is to connect a data source. A data source is just another name for the marketing/sales account you want to pull access from. We call these accounts data sources because they are the sources of the data we show in Sparrow.

To connect a data source, you will need to navigate to the data source tab and select the connect a data source button. (Note: if you are entering this flow from the Google add-on, you will be automatically taken to the next page).

That will take you to a page where you can select the type of data source you want to connect:

In this example, we are going to connect a Twitter account. So when we click the Twitter item from the list, a modal opens up like below:

To connect a Twitter account to Sparrow, we'll need to click the Connect New Twitter button in the modal. This will open up (or whatever website you are trying to link to Sparrow) and will ask you to log in and authorize that you want to connect your account to Sparrow. Once you say yes, the new window should close and you should be able to see your newly connected account in the dropdown:

You can connect as many data sources as you want from this view. Your data source limit won't take effect until after you have added the data source to a workspace.

To finish connecting the data source to your workspace, you will need to click the Add data source button at the bottom of the modal.

If everything goes well, you should see a success message, and then your new data source on the data source page:

To add more data sources, you can click the Add Data Source button to take you back through the add source flow.


Once you've connected all your data sources to Sparrow, you should be able to see their performance data directly in our Analytics tab:

For each type of data source you connect, you will unlock an overview card in the overview tab of the analytics section. Each card gives you a snapshot of how each of the connected data sources for that type is doing.

Using the menu on the side, you can navigate to a dedicated tab for each type of data source.


Syncing your data to Google Workspace

To connect your data to a Google Slides, Sheets, or Docs document, you will first need to install the Sparrow Workspace add-on.

Once installed, you can sign in with your Sparrow account, and you should see all your data sources listed out:

By clicking one of the data sources, you will be able to see a list of the available metrics. Here's a gif showing how you can find and insert data from the add-on directly to your document:

Updated on: 06/06/2024

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