Articles on: Getting Started

Connecting your Google Drive account

If you want to be able to create reports and templates with Sparrow, you need to first connect a destination. In Sparrow, a destination is a folder you select from your Google Drive account. To be able to connect a destination to Sparrow, you need to first connect your Google Drive account.

Connecting your Google Drive account

To connect your Google Drive account to Sparrow, you'll need to navigate to the destinations tab, where you'll see an option to sign in with your Google account.

You will be asked to give us permission to access your Google Drive account, and permission to create and modify Google Slide presentations on your behalf.

After allowing permissions you will be taken back to Sparrow, where you'll see My Drive as the first connected destination. This is your Google Drive root directory.

If you want to connect other folders, you can click the Add Destination button at the top right. This will open up a folder picker for you to select a folder to add to Sparrow.

Now that you've connected a destination, you're now ready to create a report.

Updated on: 06/06/2024

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