Articles on: Getting Started

"What's a workspace?"

With Sparrow, if you're on the Pro plan or Team plan, you can create workspaces to manage your different clients.

**_"What's a workspace?"_**

Some people call them "client profiles" "sub-accounts" or "multiple profiles", we simply refer to them as workspaces. A workspace in Sparrow is a grouping of data sources that are associated with each other.

For example, if you run a marketing agency, you might create a different workspace for each of your clients. That way when you're looking at dashboards or viewing data in our Google add-on, you can easily switch between different client views.

To see your list of workspaces, you can click the icon at the top of the left sidebar to open the workspace menu (note: your UI might look different based on your screen size - reach out to us if you get stuck)

The second menu should show a list of workspaces (likely only 1 if this is your first time doing this) and the option to search at the top.

To add a new workspace, you need to open the workspace menu and click the Add workspace button at the bottom.

Clicking the button should open a modal:

Enter the name you want to give your workspace and confirm by clicking Add workspace

You now have another workspace! 🎉 To navigate between them simply click the workspace icon at the top left of the navigation menu.

At some point you might want to change the workspace logo, or change the name of the workspace. This is all done from the settings page.

Navigate to the settings section and click "Workspace"

When viewing the workspace settings page, you have the option to change the name of the workspace, and add/change the logo for your workspace.

_What is the logo used for?_

The name and logo are used to help you distinguish between your various workspaces. If you're, for example, using our workspace feature to manage multiple brands, you could use the logo of each brand as the logo for the workspace, making it very clear which workspace belongs to which brand.

Updated on: 06/06/2024

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